Oppo BDP-103 User Manual Page 80

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Network Setup
The Network Setup section of the Setup Menu system allows you to configure the player’s network
connection, test the connection, and enable or disable BD-Live access.
1. Connection Information: Displays the current internet connection information, such as connection
type, IP address, Ethernet MAC, Wireless MAC, etc.
BD-Live Network Access: Used to permit or restrict BD-Live content access.
x On – BD-Live access is permitted.
x Limited – BD-Live access is permitted only for content that has a valid content owner
certificate. Internet access is prohibited if the BD-Live contents does not have a certificate.
This option ensures that you are accessing only authentic content, although it may block
your access to smaller
independent content providers.
x Off (recommended) – BD-Live access is prohibited.
4. My Network: Configures the My Network (in-home media sharing) client. My Network enables the
player to stream audio, video, and photos from media servers within the home network.
x On (default) – Enables local network streaming. A broadband internet connection is required
(details on page 19), and special hardware/software configurations are required (see In-
home Network Media Sharing
on page 41). The available media servers are listed inside the
Network option of the Home Menu (details on page 42).
x Off – Disables local network streaming. No media servers will be shown in the Network
menu, and a warning message will pop up once you try to enter the Network menu.
5. Gracenote Lookup: Allows you to access the Gracenote online database for additional media
information such as Disc Title, Genre, Year, Album, Artist and Cover Art.
x On (default) – Enables the Gracenote service and allows the player to look up media
information and cover art from the Gracenote database. A broadband internet co
nnection is
required (details on page 19).
x Off – Disables the Gracenote service.
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Player Name: Enter and display the player’s identification name as it is displayed on local network
sharing products. To change it, press the ENTER button to bring the soft keyboard. The name can
contain maximum 12 characters including spaces.
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